Monday, July 15, 2013

娴峰簳涓や竾閲_Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea_363

d, quickly; "particularly if certain precautions are taken." "What does one risk in such a calling?" said Ned Land, "the swallowing of some mouthfuls
of sea-water?" "As you say, Ned. By the bye," said I, trying to take Captain Nemo's careless tone, "are you afraid of sharks, brave Ned?" "I!" replied the Canadian; "a harpooner by profession? It is my trade to make light of them." "But," said I, "it is not a question of fishing for them with an iron-swivel, hoisting them into the vessel, cutting off their tails with a blow of a chopper, ripping them up, and throwing their heart into the sea!" "Then, it is a question of----" "Precisely." "In the water?" "In the water." "Faith, with a good harpoon! You know, sir, these sharks are ill-fashioned beasts. They turn on their bellies to seize you, and in that time----" Ned Land had a way of saying "seize" which made my blood run cold. "Well, and you, Conseil, what do you think of sharks?" "Me!" said Conseil. "I will be frank, sir." "So much the better," thought I. "If you, sir, mean to face the sharks, I do not see why your faithful servant should not face them with you."
1月28日正午,当诺第留斯号浮上水面来的时候,它在北纬9度4分,望见西边八海里远有一块陆地。我首先注意一群山岭,replica belts,这群山岭约二千英尺高,山形起伏,很不整齐,。测定了这陆地的方位后,我回到客厅中,把测好的经纬度跟地图一对时,我发现我们是在锡兰岛面前了,它是挂在印度半岛下端的一颗宝珠,replica gucci belts

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