Thursday, July 25, 2013


know how irritating it is 鈥�missing thingsthe way I have been. I feel so useless. So . . . normal.鈥�She cringed in horror of the word.
銆��鈥淚 can鈥檛 imagine how awful that must feel. Being normal? Ugh.鈥� 銆��She laughed. 鈥淲ell, at least this makes up for missing your annoying thief 鈥�now I just have to figure outwhat I鈥檓 not seeing in Seattle.鈥� 銆��When she said the words that way 鈥�putting the two situations together in one sentence 鈥�right then itclicked. The elusive something that had been bothering me for days, the important connection that I couldn鈥檛quite put together, suddenly became clear. I stared at her, my face frozen with whatever expression wasalready in place.
銆��鈥淎ren鈥檛 you going to open it?鈥�she asked. She sighed when I didn鈥檛 move immediately, and tugged the topof the box off herself. She pulled something out and held it up, but I couldn鈥檛 concentrate on what it was.
銆��鈥淧retty, don鈥檛 you think? I picked blue, because I know it鈥檚 Edward鈥檚 favorite on you.鈥� 銆��I wasn鈥檛 listening.
銆��鈥淚t鈥檚 the same,鈥�I whispered.

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