Wednesday, July 31, 2013


銆��鈥淭ry to relax,鈥�he suggested as another shiver rippled through me violently. 鈥淵ou鈥檒l be warm in a minute.
銆��Of course, you鈥檇 warm up faster if you took your clothes off.鈥� 銆��Edward growled sharply.
銆��鈥淭hat鈥檚 just a simple fact,鈥�Jacob defended himself. 鈥淪urvival one-oh-one.鈥� 銆��鈥淐-c-cut it out, Jake,鈥�I said angrily, though my body refused to even try to pull away from him. 鈥淣-n-n-nobody really n-n-n-n-needs all ten t-t-t-toes.鈥� 銆��鈥淒on鈥檛 worry about the bloodsucker,鈥�Jacob suggested, and his tone was smug. 鈥淗e鈥檚 just jealous.鈥� 銆��鈥淥f course I am.鈥�Edward鈥檚 voice was velvet again, under control, a musical murmur in the darkness.
銆��鈥淵ou don鈥檛 have the faintest idea how much I wish I could do what you鈥檙e doing for her, mongrel.鈥� 銆��鈥淭hose are the breaks,鈥�Jacob said lightly, but then his tone soured. 鈥淎t least you know she wishes it wasyou.鈥� 銆��鈥淭rue,鈥�Edward agreed.
銆��The shuddering slowed, became bearable while they wrangled.
銆��鈥淭here,鈥�Jacob said, pleased. 鈥淔eeling better?鈥� 銆��I

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