Wednesday, July 31, 2013


been indulgent with my mom,cheap coach purses, amused by her,even a little condescending to her. I saw her cornucopia of mistakes and laughed privately to myself.
銆��Scatterbrained Ren茅e.
銆��I was a very different person from my mother. Someone thoughtful and cautious. The responsible one, thegrown-up. That鈥檚 how I saw myself. That was the person I knew.
銆��With the blood still pounding inmy head from Edward鈥檚 kiss, I couldn鈥檛 help but think of my mother鈥檚most life-altering mistake. Silly and romantic, getting married fresh out of high school to a man she barelyknew, then producing me a year later. She鈥檇 always promised me that she had no regrets,cheap coach bags, that I was the bestgift her life had ever given her. And yet she鈥檇 drilled it into me over and over 鈥�smart people took marriageseriously. Mature people went to college and started careers before they got deeply involved in a relationship.
銆��She knew I would never be as thoughtless and goofy and small-town as she鈥檇 been. . . .
銆��I gritted my teeth and tried to concentrate as I answered her letter.

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