Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire鍝堝埄娉㈢壒涓庣伀鐒版澂_998

he knew where he was going; it hadn't been much past the Beauxbatons carriage鈥omewhere around here.鈥�
鈥淰iktor?鈥�Harry shouted.
No one answered.
鈥淭hey were here,鈥�Harry said to Dumbledore. 鈥淭hey were definitely somewhere around here.鈥︹�
鈥淟umos,鈥�Dumbledore said, lighting his wand and holding it up.
Its narrow beam traveled from black trunk to black trunk, illuminating the ground. And then it fell upon a pair of feet.
Harry and Dumbledore hurried forward. Krum was sprawled on the forest floor. He seemed to be unconscious. There was no sign at all of Mr. Crouch. Dumbledore bent over Krum and gently lifted one of his eyelids.
鈥淪tunned,鈥�he said softly. His half-moon glasses glittered in the wandlight as he peered around at the surrounding trees.
鈥淪hould I go and get someone?鈥�said Harry,cheap furla bags. 鈥淢adam Pomfrey?鈥�
鈥淣o,cheap coach bags,鈥�said Dumbledore swiftly. 鈥淪tay here.鈥�
He raised his wand into the air and pointed it in the direction of Hagrid's cabin. Harry saw something silvery dart out of it and streak away through the

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