Thursday, August 1, 2013

鏆厜涔嬪煄锛氬崍澶滈槼鍏_Midnight Sun_500

I could imagineonly too clearly having Bella near when I hunted鈥er eyes remained curious,
impatient, nothing more. She waited for her answer,not giving in.
銆��But our hour was up.
銆��鈥淟ater,鈥�I snapped, and I rose to my feet. 鈥淲e鈥檙e going to be late.鈥� 銆��She looked around herself, disoriented, like she鈥檇 forgotten we were at lunch.
銆��Like she鈥檇 forgotten we were even at school鈥攕urprised that we were not alone i
Chapter 12 Complications
Bella and I walked silently to biology. I was trying to focus myself on the moment, onthe girl beside me, on what was real and solid, on anything that would keep
Alice鈥檚deceitful, meaningless visions out of my head.
銆��We passed Angela Weber, lingering on the sidewalk, discussing an assignmentwith a boy from her Trigonometry class. I scanned her thoughts perfunctorily,
expectingmore disappointment, only to be surprised by their wistful tenor.
銆��Ah, so there was something Angela wanted. Unfortunately, it wasn鈥檛 somethingthat could be easily gift-wrapped.

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